Note: This article is part of the series on Typical Management Problems You Can Fix With One on Ones

Managing is Hard

Being a boss sounds like a glamorous job. But the reality is very different. You are the superhero that keeps the lights on and the team together. Think about it. You have to:

  • Motivate and inspire your team,
  • Maintain performance,
  • Grow and develop your employees,
  • Hire and fire staff.

That’s just for starters. If you think that this sounds like a lot of work, you’re right. And I bet that if you’re like most managers you feel like you just don’t get the time to focus on everything. That’s why successful bosses run efficient, effective One-on-One meetings like I show you in this mini-course.

Weekly One on One Meetings With Staff Make Managing Easy

What do I love the most about weekly one on one meetings with staff? Easy. It’s that they are like little communication buckets where you can take care of all these management duties in one go. Being a boss is a lot easier when you can combine your duties and do them all in one go.

Successful managers aren't geniuses. All they do is that they have a routine practice where they take care of their responsibilities. What I’ve found works is using a good one on one meeting agenda (get your own copy here). Don’t try to figure out what to do every time, stick to these 4 sections for consistent quality:

  1. The Employees Agenda: Your employee’s time to to give you status updates on tasks and projects they are working on,
  2. The Manager's Agenda: Your time to update your employee on what’s happening in the company and the team
  3. Future Deliverables: Set priorities and actions for the week ahead. Because a meeting without deliverables is a waste of time.  
  4. Growth and Development: Use one on ones as a chance to improve your employee’s skills and performance. It only takes a few minutes using Coaching, Delegation and Inspiring Performance Communication.

Super User Tip: Get your free One on One Meeting Agenda with the complementary course: 3 Steps 2 Easy 1 on 1’s and find out how to smash your One-on-One meetings.

Making Managing Even Easier - Teach your employees to Tango

The thing with managing is that there are always two people involved: You, the boss and your employee. So instead of being the boss who has to run high quality One-on-Ones yourself, show your employees how. This takes the pressure and hard work away from you. Now Tango is pretty tricky to teach, but my trick for One-on-Ones is that I have a free online video course for your employees. Share this with your employees and watch your One-on-Ones get better all on their own. You can’t make managing much easier than that!

Wrapping up

Managing is hard because as a boss you have a lot of responsibilities. A regular, high quality One-on-One Meeting practice makes managing easy by combining all of your responsibilities into one efficient time slot. But it’s not just about being efficient because weekly one on one meetings with staff will:

  • Build better relationships with your team,
  • Improve employee performance and productivity,
  • Boost your confidence as a boss and
  • Lower your boss stress levels.

And that’s how weekly one on one meetings with staff make managing easy.

P.S don’t forget to use a tried and tested One on One meeting agenda - download your copy here


Do you have weekly one-on-ones with your staff? Do you have any comments, questions or tips? Please help the rest of us out by sharing in the comments below.