How to Succeed at Hiring
The Single Most Important Thing a Manager Does
If you’ve ever suffered the cost and burden of a bad-hire you’re not alone. Most managers have made bad hires. Hiring is difficult. People who look good on paper and interview well can still turn out to be a disaster.
The problem is that hiring isn’t an easy task for any manager. The recruitment process is a pain and job candidates are becoming savvier. They often know exactly what to say and do to get the job. Hiring is a bit like playing Russian Roulette - play it often enough and you're guaranteed of a bad result.
Hiring is something you can get better at
The good news, is that bad hires can be almost entirely eliminated when you know what to look for. Bosses are responsible for employee selection, motivation and retention. But they don't teach you how to do this in school. Hiring the best employees requires manager skills development and a proven recruitment process. That's why hiring for performance is a foundational skill in the program.
Hiring for performance
Find out how to avoid making poor hiring decisions by taking the guesswork out of the recruitment process. The Manager Foundation techniques will help you get better at defining job requirements. Plus show you how to truly test candidate skills against job descriptions. By having the right person in the right job you’ll be improving both performance and staff retention.
"As a business owner or manager, you know that hiring the wrong person is the most costly mistake you can make."
- Brian Tracy