The Benefits of Delegation for Employees — Manager Foundation

How to get stuff done by partnering with your employees

The conventional way of viewing delegation is that employees don't like getting extra work delegated to them. Delegating work isn’t just good for bosses. Because managers who operate on a higher level know that delegation has got many benefits for their employees too. In fact this is one of the secrets to delegation: when you work on a mutual win-win basis so that your employees also have something to gain from the delegation, then they will be more motivated to take over your work delegation. This article covers the benefits of delegation for employees. Use these benefits to motivate your employees and provide job satisfaction that money can’t buy.

Tip: To find out how to delegate, start with a good delegation process

Secret Ninja Manager Trick:

Remember that a task that is boring to you can be an exciting development opportunity for one of your employees.

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Your Employees Want More Than Money from their Jobs

The way that this works is that this is based on the science of what people want from their jobs. You can use delegation to provide these to your employees and when you do this you will provide more job satisfaction to your employees.

People want:

  • To learn and grow
  • To be entrusted with new opportunities, including get given high status projects
  • To use, underutilized skills
  • A chance to do stuff they are good at
  • To build their network and
  • To solve problems and an outlet for creative expression

That’s why delegation is an essential manager skill to promote employee growth and development. One of the biggest drivers of employee job satisfaction is the ability to grow and learn new things. This is why you can use delegation to motivate and retain your employees.

Tip: The first step to delegating effectively starts with identifying the right things to delegate. Use the “How to Identify what to Delegate” as a delegation tool.

Delegation is a Foundational Manager Skill

Delegation is an essential manager skill. But it’s also a skill that they don’t teach you in school. Like many manager skills, there’s a vast difference between what you do and how you do it. The first step to being a better boss is improving your delegation manager skills. Is your delegation working for you? Take the Work Delegation Checkup to find out.

Next Steps: Take Your Manager Skills to the Next Level With Delegation Essentials

You can be a better boss by improving your manager skills with delegation training. Delegation Essentials is a free, online management training course.

PS: Complete the course and you can get a certificate for your resume.


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