PS: Looking to start One on One meetings with your boss? Find out how here.
How to get Your Employees to Buy Into One on Ones using a one on one email template
The shortcut to starting One on One meetings with your employees is to use this email template. Send this with your the one on one meeting invitation
7 Essential Steps to Change
If you do One-on-One meetings with employees right then you can take care of almost all of your management responsibilities in almost one go. Which sounds like a pretty good place to be. But it’s a big jump to go from zero to one. Managers who run great One-on-Ones know that they save time but initially it’s difficult to add another item onto your already busy agenda.
Wondering how to start one on one meetings with employees? To get going, start with getting your employees on board by introducing the change to them using a one on one email template. Getting your employees onboard will set you up for success.
PS: Want to start running the best One-on-One meetings with your employees? Did anyone show you how? take this free mini-course, 3 Steps 2 Successful 1 on 1s to find out how to start and continue best practice One-on-One meetings with your employees.
Change Management is the Key to Successful Change
Change is always difficult but when people are concerned it’s another magnitude of difficulty. If your employees:
Don’t know what the process is
Don’t know what they are required to do and
Aren’t bought into the process
Then you’re not going to have any success making change. The tried and tested way to start off successful One-on-One meetings with employees is to introduce the change to your employees using an email that gives them what they need to know. This article will give you tips to start one on one meetings with your employees but you can download a one on one meeting form over here.
The 7 items your employees need for a successful transition:
Inform them that you are planning on making a change
Explain why you are making the change
Explain why they should support the change - ie. what’s in it for them
Tell them what they need to do
Address common objections
Ask for your employees commitment to the process
Give clear actions for next steps
Don’t mess up a good idea with bad execution
This is a great framework for any change management. I know from a lot of research and testing that high quality One-on-One Meetings With Employees are a great shortcut to better employee productivity and better workplace happiness. But many great ideas fail purely because of bad execution.
Address these 7 items and you will greatly increase your success. To save you time I have a One-on-One Meeting Email Template for you to download:
A great time to send this is at the same time that you send a One on One meeting invitation.
1. Step 1: Start with a One on One Email Template:
To save you time I have a One-on-One Meeting Email Template for you to download. Click the button to grab your email template. A great time to send this is at the same time that you send a One on One meeting invitation.
2. Step 2: Continue with a One on One Form:
Change management doesn't end with your first one on one meeting. Change management means successfully making the habit stick. And how you do that is by running kick butt one on one meetings with a One on One Form. Get your form and one on one meeting tips over here.
Wrap up
One of the most important management skills is weekly One on One Meetings With Employees. Once you have a regular One-on-One meeting practice you will not want to go back but getting going is sometimes the hardest part of making a change. Using clear communication in your change management will help break the inertia plus set you on the trajectory to success. Kicking of your one on one meeting process with a one on one meeting invitation is a good way to make sure your employees buy into the process and add value to your weekly
FYI: More on Successful One-on-Ones:
Making a successful transition is just part of running successful One-on-One meetings with staff. Like any management practice there is a right way and a wrong way to do One-on-Ones. For more information on best practice One-on-One meetings with your employees, sign up to the 3 Steps 2 1 on 1s introduction course.
P.S. A Secret Ninja Manager Trick to get employees to buy in to One on One Meetings is to train them how to have successful One-on-One meetings with their boss. That's why I made a free course One on Ones for Employees Check it out, because this will help you to build a better relationship with your own boss.
P.P.S. There are good practice ways to run your One-on-Ones to make sure that you get the best value from them. If you don’t believe in the power of One-on-Ones then you’re missing out. Find out more tips like the above with a short complementary course 3 Steps 2 Successful 1 on 1s.
Do you have any questions, comments or tips about one on one meetings between employees and managers? Please help the rest of us out by sharing in the comments below.