How to Manage Your Boss — Manager Foundation

5 Steps to Managing Up for Work Happiness & Success

In a perfect world, career success would depend solely on your ability to do a good job. But that’s only half of the equation. Things like bonuses, increases and promotions depend on how you manage your boss. Your relationship with your boss is the single most important work relationship that you have. And it’s not just about the money. If you have a bad working relationship with your boss, then you’re going to end up hating your job And the thing to be aware of - if you’re not happy with your boss, then there’s a good chance the feeling is mutual.

Tip: The first step to a better boss relationship is weekly one on one meetings with your boss. Find out how to make your one on ones work for you. Free, online training course One on Ones with Your Boss. Includes a one-on-one form and questions to ask your boss in one on one meetings.

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What Everyone Gets Wrong

It's no surprise that your boss is the key to your workplace success and happiness. But the mistake that people make is they expect their boss to change. And they think that they can’t do anything about a bad boss other than change jobs. Your boss is not going to change. Instead of changing jobs, it’s a simple matter to take these 5 steps to manage your relationship with your boss. This isn’t just for bad bosses, these 5 Steps will improve everyone’s career.

Don’t work harder, how to work smarter:

I know that I used to try fix every problem at work by working harder. Perseverance is a great attribute but it doesn’t work when you’re doing the wrong things in the first place. Managing your boss doesn’t have to take you any extra effort because you can save time by working smarter:

  • Did you know that right now you are could be wasting your time doing the wrong things in the wrong way and
  • You're not getting due credit for what you have done.

Follow these 5 steps to create better alignment and communication with your boss to get better results in less time.

Create a Win-Win Relationship With Your Boss to Get What You Want

The simple fact is that people are different. What makes sense to you and works for you doesn't always work for your boss. Fortunately there’s a process that works on a win-win basis. When you find out your boss's needs, preferences and working style. Then you can satisfy more of your boss's needs by working smarter, not harder.

Five Steps to Managing Your Boss

#1 Boss Goals and Objectives:

 Find out what’s important to your boss. The Boss Objectives exercise is a three-step process:

  1. Identifying your boss’s objectives and deliverables.

  2. Ascertaining how your performance and outputs support your boss’s deliverables.

  3. Confirming your boss’s reporting requirements from you.

#2 Boss Communication Style:

Start paying attention to your boss’s communication style and preferences. Here are a few questions to determine your boss’s preferred communication style:

  1. Is Your boss a listener or a reader? (Does your boss prefer telephone/ face-to-face or email)?

  2. Does your boss like to make small talk or is your boss primarily task-focused?

  3. Does your boss like details or just the highlights?

Those questions are about your boss - what about yourself? Do you tend to hide behind written communication? Do you have sufficient One on One time with your boss to develop a functional relationship? See the section on One on Ones later.

#3 Boss Time Management:

Knowing what your boss wants, when they want it = a good boss relationship. When you know your boss’s time management practices then you know how you can best work around that.

#4 Boss Management Style

This is one of the more difficult things to figure out about your boss.

  • Some bosses like to problem solve, whilst others are only interested in results,
  • Some bosses are cautious and can’t tolerate errors, whilst other bosses can’t bear hesitation,
  • Some bosses are tactful, supportive and caring while others come across as brash to the point of aggression

The secret is there’s no wrong or right here because these are just personality traits. It’s what you do with it that counts.

Tip: Find out how your personality determines how you manage by taking the Boss SuperPower Assessment

#5 The Importance of Weekly One on One Meetings With Your Boss

Your best communication channel with your boss is your weekly one on one meeting. Weekly one on ones with your boss ensure that:

  • You keep your boss updated about your progress so you can get the recognition you deserve. Whether financial or otherwise,
  • Your boss keeps you in the loop about important things you need to know. (Tip: Read Questions You Must your Boss in One on One Meetings),
  • You find out what your boss really wants from you so you can avoid nasty surprises in your performance reviews.

Tip: The free, online training course One on Ones for Employees will show you:

  • What to prepare,
  • How to get the most out of your most important work meeting,
  • A best practice one-on-one form,
  • Questions to ask your boss in one on one meetings and more.

The Benefits for You

Working better with your boss is your best route to increased bonuses, raises and promotions. But it’s about more than money, because this process is also about you. When you start managing your relationship with your boss you’ll get recognition for your achievements, improve personal growth and create a harmonious work environment.

