Power Hour - How to Stick to Your Intentions — Manager Foundation

power hour - how to stick to your intentions

You know how you always mean to do something and then you just never seem to get the time? Especially important, but maybe not urgent, stuff like improving employee performance. Well this is a great method to stick to your development plans and it only takes 5 minutes to get going...

This Module is Part of Boss Camp

Boss Camp will show you how to improve employee performance by showing you what they never taught you in school. The program includes topics such as:

  • How to motivate employees
  • What are bad employee motivators
  • What you must do as a manager but isn't on your job description
  • How leaders get power
  • Management techniques that don't take time

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Your Power Hour

You know how you always mean to do something and then you just never seem to get the time? Especially important, but maybe not urgent, stuff like improving employee performance. Well this is a great method to stick to your development plans and it only takes 5 minutes to get going. If you don’t believe me then start a timer now and see what you will have achieved by the end of the 5 minutes.

Like many people I am sure that you would like to develop your skills to get better or quicker at your job. Maybe there’s a skill you want to learn like sales or public speaking. Or maybe you want that next promotion. But good intentions don’t materialize into actions. So I’m going to show you a clever trick…

NOTE: Part of the technique is to not let your brain trick you. You may be feeling the urge to check your email, get a drink or go off on some other distraction, but remember the timer is running and you only need to focus on this for another four minutes….

Habit 7 of Steven Covey’s 7 Habits of Highly Effective People is to “Sharpen the Saw” so the plan is to invest a little time to save time in the future. Covey says successful people spend at least 10% of their time getting better. Let’s start off small. One hour is just 2.5% of your work week. Do you think spending 2.5% of your time is too much to invest in yourself?

If so then go to your calendar and make an hour-long appointment with yourself. This is YOUR Power Hour™:

  • If you’re too busy this week, just go one or two weeks out;
  • Allocate the time and make sure there is at least one noticeable alert;
  • Remember that this isn’t a to-do reminder, it is time SET ASIDE;
  • Avoid busy times,
  • Set your appointment to re-occur weekly;
  • When the time appointment comes, begin your learning. At each subsequent weekly appointment pick up the learning material where you left off.
  • Super User Tip: I find it’s best to leave yourself a little note about where to resume:
  • If necessary close your office door (or better; go to a room without distractions if one is readily available);
  • Switch off email, internet, phone calls, texts etc. and;
  • Leave instructions not to be disturbed.

The hardest part is starting, so if you struggle to get going for any reason, set a timer on your phone for 10 minutes;

Promise yourself that you will start because it’s it’s only 10 minutes and the clock is ticking;

At the end of the 10 minutes if it’s really not working on that day you can stop and try another day, but by then you will usually be ok and;

If something else comes up, re-schedule the appointment within the same week.

A little visualization exercise will help you:

  • What are the usual hurdles that stop you from doing self-development?
  • Visualize how you will overcome those hurdles.
  • Because this will increase the likelihood of you succeeding. Psychologists suspect that this because people make a plan in advance about how to overcome difficulties. Then instead of taking problems as an opportunity give up. Or stumbling because you need to replan. People have a course of action already planned.
  • Plan B = A Backup Plan Before you need it.
  • Take a minute to visualize how your life will improve by using the Power Hour technique to help you stick to your self-development. Visualize how you will keep on going even if things get difficult.
  • HINT: An effective technique is to give it a try,
  • If it doesn’t work, regroup and then try again.

That’s it: Follow this process, and you will be on the path to improving your skills and reaping the rewards.

Now the funny thing is if you’re like many people, you’ve got to the end of this without actually booking time in your diary. And the bizarre thing is that you can probably see how this technique will work but you still haven’t done anything. That is one small thing that you have to do. Take action. People just like you have had success using this process. Remember 1 hour is only 2.5% of a 40-hour work week.

This isn’t the only way to develop skills, but in my opinion it’s one of the best processes you can follow. So let’s make a small deal. Do you think you could try this for 12 weeks and then if it doesn’t work for you feel free to try something else. If you think that sounds good then start your 5 minutes to book time in your diary now.