MANA101 Building Relationships Through Effective One-on-Ones — Manager Foundation

The Importance of good employer-employee relationships

Do you know that one study showed that close to 80% of employees think their boss is a lousy manager? Managing people isn’t easy. Underperformance, bad quality work and missed deadlines are three basic performance issues. But add on top of that hiring, training, personality conflicts and the endless stream of employee problems. It’s no wonder that being a boss isn't as glamorous as it sounds.

PS: Quality relationships start with a quality One-on-one form. Download our best practice form here

Regular one-on-ones are the key

Taking back control of your work day calls for some powerful management medicine. The single easiest management cure-all is regular one-on-ones with your employees. Do one-on-ones right and you can take care of almost all your management responsibilities in one go.

Truly great managers meet weekly, and in some cases bi-weekly, with each of their direct reports. This course will show you how to implement them in a few easy steps.

MANA101 - Building Relationships Through Effective One-on-Ones
from $49.00

When done effectively one-on-ones are:

  • A communication channel,
  • A chance to develop your staff,
  • A chance to coach and mentor employees,
  • A chance to improve staff performance and,
  • An opportunity to delegate work to your directs.

It's difficult to quantify the cost of poor staff relationships. But studies show that a boss can make a 20% difference to staff performance. When you compare that to the cost of poor staff engagement and retention then the value of effective staff relationships becomes more apparent. 

The Manager Foundation management Foundations include fundamental manager skills jpeg

Using regular one-on-one meetings to build effective relationships and have good communications with employees is a fundamental manager skill. The other key skills that make up the Management Foundations are:

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