Adapting to Your Boss's Management Style
Note: This article is part of the series on Tips for Managing Your Relationship With Your Boss
Tip: Weekly one on one meetings with your boss are the best way to get to know their preferred management style.
How to Identify Your Boss’s Management Style
This is one of the more difficult things to determine quickly about your boss – particularly if you are new to the job.
In terms of your boss’s management style, what you need to establish is:
- The level of involvement that your boss requires and expects from you.
- The topics or areas in which your boss requires your involvement and input.
The key to determining management style is to look at what tasks your boss delegates and how he/ she subsequently manages them.
- What are the tasks and issues that your boss would prefer you to deal with?
- Does your boss retain a high level of involvement in delegated tasks, or do they let you run with it?
- What amount of reporting and feedback do you need to give to your boss to avoid too much interference from them in the delegated task?
With a greater understanding of your boss’s requirements, you can pro-actively adjust your own style in order to meet and even exceed their expectations.
Tip: A DISC Personality test will give you insight to your boss’s management style and preferred way of working. When you know your boss’s preferences you can adapt your own style to be more effective at meeting your boss’s expectations
P.S: If you want to start managing your relationship with your boss right away I have an online training module which you can get early access to over here.
Do you have any comments, questions or tips about boss management styles? Please share in the comments below.
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